“No act of kindness, no matter how small, is ever wasted.” Aesop
Even though times are wrought with anxiety, sadness, worry and fear, there is profound kindness happening all around us. I see it or hear about it every day. It’s the tiny to the huge. The big tip the stranger leaves for the restaurant staff. The picking up the neighbor’s groceries. The thinking about you card in the mail. The extra waves and nods from every one out walking. The face mask donations to the local hospital. The unexpected calls and texts just to check in. The purposeful 6ft people are giving each other in line ups, the meaningful, how are you. And the pause afterwards. Really, how are you?
We’re still in the middle of all this so it’s hard to know how we’ll be on the other side. We’re in it. But the kindness element? That’s real and optimistic and on days that feel like Hulu or Netflix is about all the decision making I can make, I’m hanging on to kindness.
We will get through this. xo