Greetings from Ashland. Literally. Hello from the Rogue Valley, Ashland Oregon, the Mythical State of Jefferson. I love this little town full of art and hippies and shakespeare and tourists and Priuses and healing modalities and raw food and kombucha. I love the optimistic spirit here, the supportive vibe (yup, vibes) for artists and entrepreneurs and the lack of…competition? Pressure? Never-ending drive? All of the above. There is a peacefulness here that I didn’t know I lacked until I lived with such gentle pace in my life that I actually know my neighbors, I have coffee with friends spontaneously, I occasionally drop of jars of soup for friends…this is community and I never in a million years predicted that it would form around me in this unlikely place. But it did. And as an artist and small business owner, I can’t recommend it enough. This cozy kind supportive way of living and working is a road I have taken. And that has made all the difference. xo

“Greetings from Ashland” 16×20″ SOLD

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