Remember when a bubble bath was a luxury because you’d been out all day or super busy and needed to destress? Yeah, me neither. Pretty sure we’re on week forever and a day of quarantine and for us here in the United States, we’re looking at least least another month. Exhale.
How’s everyone holding up? I’ve heard from lots of people and it seems the consensus is the same. I hear this. I’m ok. Today. I’m ok. This afternoon. I’m….ok. I’m hanging in. I’m coping. I’m taking it day by day.
I would agree with all that for me too.
I would also add that I lean towards optimism and glass half full thinking and I have seen so much kindness, generosity and human goodness in the last three weeks, it’s heartbreakingly beautiful. My little town has developed a program called “Adopt a Neighbor”, there are random food deliveries on my doorstep, I am delivering home cooked meals and treats, people are checking in on each other, strangers are waving as we walk our dogs, errands are being run for those who can’t and there is a general sense of “we are in this together.
So, do we deserve a bubble bath? I think yes. I posted this one and a bunch of new pieces on my website if anyone feels like looking at happy art and escaping for a minute.
Wishing everyone a peaceful evening or morning or end of week wherever this finds you. I’m grateful, more than ever, for this extended community of blog readers and supporters and like minded art community. We WILL get through this together!!! xoxo
P.S. Still including a FREE pack of 12 assorted greeting cards with any order placed on my website. No code needed.
P.P.S. Fancy Envelope update! If you have ordered these, my new shipment arrives tomorrow and your order will ship immediately (I have an actual tracking #…) If you’re thinking about ordering them…new batch of designs is great. Snail mail will get us through! xo