Painting a day project. Righhhhhht. That was a really great idea. Same type of idea as signing up for Bay to Breakers, cutting out carbs, reducing sugar and caffeine, reading more instead of watching TV…well, the race is next weekend and I have trained exactly once, I ate a a fabulous blueberry-lemon loaf type-thing for breakfast with two cups of strong coffee with cream and sugar and you, guessed it, the TV is on in the background as I mull over what to do about this painting a day project. Post or not post? Cop to the fact that this was and IS a great idea. Really. The spirit lives! So here I am, doing it anyway, and I will muddle along, like we do, in life and in art. I’ve been reading a collection of excellent books on writing, art making and such: Natalie Goldberg’s Old Friend from Far Away, If You Want to Write by Brenda Ueland and Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. All different angles but in the end, the message is always the same: To Thine Own Self Be True.

And so truly, I am being myself, posting this funny pink chair that has had so many iterations of pinkness, pattern, with message, without, trying to look like another artist, realizing that’s impossible, embracing the inner critic, not posting because I didn’t like it, and now remembering, isn’t that the whole point of this exercise, just keep going. So with that, I am donning my running shoes to start training for next week’s mini marathon. Hell, at that race everyone’s looking at the naked people who shouldn’t be naked anyway…my gimpy limpy self will be the last thing anyone cares about. And that’s the truth, Ruth. To Thine Own Self be True, acrylic on gallery wrapped canvas, 20″ x 24″.

To be continued. Probably. xo

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