Somewhere between now and March 3rd (which is when Madame Blog here tells me I last posted) I have been slowly, quietly, nervously experimenting with a new medium: oil paints. I decided to conduct a 30 day challenge for myself: 30 paintings in 30ish days. I didn’t quite make it, I think I got to 26 or 27, life came knocking. But that’s ok. Close enough to be happy with my experiment and being as unscientific as they come, these lab results work for me.
My self imposed rules: 30 paintings on the exact same size panel. A 6×8″ masonite board. That seemed small enough to complete but big enough to get a feel for the oils. Above is #1-15. I kept the oil paint selection simple. I used Gamblin Colors upon the recommendation of…everyone I asked. I’m sure there are equally wonderful oils out there but this was what I used. I think I started with 6-8 colors on the first week then treated myself to a few more “fancy flavors”. But really, a small selection compared to the acrylic collection I have. The other “rule” was that I didn’t want to overwhelm myself. For a medium, I used Gamsol and Galkyd, that’s it. Kept it simple so I could get it done.
Results in and….I love oils. Love love love oils. I also love acrylics but for more mechanical reasons–dry time, ease, affordability. I’m not 100% sure because this is new still but I feel like I’m moving into oils more permanently. I type that oh so reluctantly with my fingers barely punching the keys. Eek. What if I change my mind? What if…
What did I love about oils? Color, texture, creaminess, saturation….in a word: buttery-ness. Oils are butter. And I found that they do on their own what I’ve been trying to achieve with acrylics…a looseness and impressionistic feel that is so natural.
I started in oils when I first started painting in Sausalito, CA. I met with a local artist and painted in her studio, usually Sunday afternoons. She was an oil painter so….I was an oil painter. When I moved to Ashland, my mentor used acrylics and the combination of the vibrancy of her artwork, the high quality of acrylics now and (very!!!!) fast dry time, I happily switched over. Learning to paint when you are waiting a week for something to dry is not for the patience challenged.
So here I am at a little painting crossroads. I’ve done several on large canvases so I’m committed to practicing on larger canvases but full disclosure, still feel a trepidation. Why? I’m not really sure. Learning curve, out of my comfort zone, new things, new supplies, it’s harder, messier, more technique driven…ok, maybe I do know.
Sharing the journey live from the studio. Will post the 2nd collection asap.
These are for sale if any strike your fancy. They are $75 + $5 shipping. Please email if you have any questions.
(L-R is #1-15. 3, 6, 8, 14 and 15 are SOLD.)