Like any good creative endeavor that comes from the heart, the A-Z paintings had about as much planning as a homemade soup. I knew what I sort of kind of wanted to create (heavy on the kind of), but didn’t have a master plan. What it lacked in planning, it made up for in soul. Thus, I started with A, jumped to K and sort of meandered through the alphabet freestyle. This was my second monogram painting: small, 11×14″, one of the first room portraits I did, destined to find a permanent home with my dear friend Kelly.
This little piece still makes me smile because it was the beginning of artistic liberties like a neon pink floor. And chandeliers. And chartreuse chairs. And quirky things that felt happy when I painted them. So I painted some more. Lots more. So here I am again, sort of kind of, in the middle of the alphabet and I’m amazed how much can change, in life, in paintings, in artistic influences, in only 11 letters.
I better make a big pot of soup. xo
“K” 11×14″ SOLD