I’m going home on Wednesday. The home of the heart. The motherland, where I grew up, where I keep my passport, my memories. I didn’t purposely leave Victoria to not live there for 20 plus years. It was one travel decision after university that lead to another and another. And all of a sudden I had lived in San Francisco and Marin for fifteen years then Oregon for seven. And now what? I’m not exactly sure. End of year often causes me to pause and take stock. What was great this year, what wasn’t, what can I do more of or less of? Family, business, personal, travel. What lit me up? What drained me? Do more of the former, less of the latter.

First up. Get home. Get to my wonderful funny family, Willows Beach, Oak Bay Avenue, Mattick’s Farm, waterfront drive, the Marina, Cattle Point,  Cadboro Bay, the Breakwater, Dallas Road, Beacon Hill Park, Trounce Alley, Government Street and a cup of Murchie’s coffee and Roger’s chocolate. All on the first day.

(And not sure why this painting of the Oregon coast made me want to write about going home but there you go. Art, words, inspiration, muse, I don’t ask, just type. Or paint. Or get on a plane.)


“Pacific Coast” 24×30″ available at elizabethW Carmel

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