Don’t Give Up the Ship! Tired or weary or both or just dazed and confused from the non stop news of the world? Moi aussi. But don’t give up. Don’t give up the ship! A few things that help me restart the creative engine or at very least plug back into optimism. I’m sure there’s lots more but here’s what’s worked for me recently.
- Turn the news off. Stay informed however that comes to you, but a little news fast is immensely helpful.
- Connect with friends or family: in person, phone, text, zoom, pigeon carrier, whatever works and plugs you back into laughter with that person who gets you.
- Exercise. The sweaty or the stroll variety. Both help.
- Make something. Practice calligraphy, make a pie, paint for 15 minutes.
- Help a nieghbor. Or a friend or stranger, little r(and big) random acts of kindness make such a difference.
Hope the weekend is a good one & you are staying cool, on or off the ship!
“Don’t Give Up the Ship” 20×20″