Carpe Diem Papers

I’m not nearly cool enough to do anything “like a boss”. Or even say it like I’m remotely living in a hipster world however…I am cool enough to realize, as the end of the year approaches, there are some business and art things I want to change and improve. And um, awkward, I don’t know how.

So I did what we 2015-ers do for everything, I googled it. I googled a lot, in fact, went down a pretty dark rabbit hole of self improvement, marketing, life coach, writing, promoting your business, you can become an art rockstar while napping type websites and gurus promising the moon. So I narrowed it down and found a class and a resource that wasn’t technical at all, it just felt right.

I’m taking an online blog workshop. And no, it’s not called Blogging Like a Boss but I wish it was, I would have signed up months ago! I hesitated at first to write about taking a workshop but I’m very transparent when it comes to my art and business and the fake til you make it way of getting shit done. It’s so easy for days and weeks and months to go by and often, for me, some of my art and business goals slip away as holidays come and go.

I re-read a recent post and this isn’t a new topic for me. So why not give it a try? There’s something about taking a course, paying your green money that gives it stronger legs to stand on. Plus, I love writing, bizarrely find this world of SEO, page ranking and headlines fascinating albeit  a little depressing that there is such a science behind it. I know, I know, I’m probably a decade behind all of this breaking news but I’m here now.

First, I am blogging like a boss.  I work for myself so take that with a grain of salt. Second, I am admitting I need some help in this arena which means yes, I will most likely be vacating blogspot in the near future. Is that like having hotmail? I thought I had this talking about life and art and biz thing dialed in but not really so I am asking for assistance, learning from a pro, and giving it a shot.  And third, I’m publishing this confessional, a little uncomfortable, definitely different, but enthusiastically freed up knowing that I’m bravely trying something new. xo

P.S. Oh yeah, the painting! “Three Apothecary Bottles”, 8×10″, available at ElizabethW Carmel

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