It is October and I’m painting Christmas. It is Oregon and I am painting France. To be more specific, it is Ashland and I am painting Paris. I’m here and there, living in a quaint small town, dreaming of the beauty and bustle of the city of lights but honestly, very grateful to be right here, in my warm studio, animals by my side. There is something equally wonderful about traveling through books, magazines, Pinterest and the google. I’m pouring over coffee table and art books that I couldn’t live without but haven’t really looked at. I’ve rearranged my bookshelf for the juiciest most inspiring titles to be at arm’s reach. I have the good fortune of having a bestie who just returned from Paris and sent me real live treats from the motherland of Laduree, green box and all. I’m surrounded by beauty and odd charming objects that light me up and give me enough electricity to paint that city from memory, from patchwork stories, from places and shops and streets I’ve seen and places I wish to see. There is an elegance in every photo I find. A color palette that feels both old world and modern. I’m inspired and dreamy and as much as I’d board a plane if given the opportunity, so ok with driving to Safeway to buy coffee beans, shortbread cookies and some spontaneous cinderella pumpkins. Because it actually is October.
That’s it. Nothing earth shattering or profound from the easel, just a quiet satisfaction of being inside on a blustery day, enjoying what I’m creating, dreaming of being a passenger on the Seine & loving this Paris painting collaboration with P.O.S.H. Chicago.
“Bateau Parisien” and it’s many siblings paintings available at P.O.S.H. early November.